Page Title: H.B.7761: An Act Relating To Public Property And Works — Narragansett Tribal Sovereignty Act (Exempts All Narragansett Indian Tribe Members Owning Real Estate, Whether Privately, Commercially, In Nonprofit Corporations Or In Land Trusts, From All Real Estate Taxes Imposed By The State Or Any Municipality.)
Bill ID: H.B.7761
Bill Title: An Act Relating To Public Property And Works -- Narragansett Tribal Sovereignty Act (Exempts All Narragansett Indian Tribe Members Owning Real Estate, Whether Privately, Commercially, In Nonprofit Corporations Or In Land Trusts, From All Real Estate Taxes Imposed By The State Or Any Municipality.)
Bill Description:
Sponsors List RI Rep. Enrique Sanchez (D-RI-009), RI Rep. Cherie Cruz (D-RI-058), RI Rep. Leonela "Leo" Felix (D-RI-061), RI Rep. Brianna Henries (D-RI-064), RI Rep. Megan Cotter (D-RI-039), RI Rep. David Morales (D-RI-007), RI Rep. Joshua Giraldo (D-RI-056), RI Rep. Karen Alzate (D-RI-060), RI Rep. Teresa Tanzi (D-RI-034), RI Rep. John Lombardi (D-RI-008)
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