Fact Sheet




NCEL Point of Contact

Kate Burgess
Conservation Program Manager



Pollinators are declining rapidly due to a number of factors, including loss of habitat, loss of forage and pesticides. Some pollinators such as bumblebees and Monarch butterflies may be on the verge of extinction. Many states have enacted or are considering legislation to acquire, restore and/or protect pollinator habitat, as well as to restrict the application of pesticides and other chemicals that are harmful to pollinators.

Key Points

Key Point 1

Pollinators are essential to at least one-third of the crops grown for human consumption. (USDA)

Key Point 2

In 2020-2021 alone, 45.5% of honeybee populations in the United States died in one season. (Bee Informed Partnership)

Key Point 3

Pollinators are responsible for $24 billion in US crop production, and between $235 and $577 billion in crops produced worldwide. (Bayer)


States have taken several approaches to protect pollinators, including:


NCEL Resources

Online Resources

Insect pollinator conservation policy innovations at subnational levels: Lessons for lawmakers - Environmental Science and Policy

Study detailing all state policy protecting pollinators from 2000-2017.

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Pollinator Conservation Resource Center

Xerces Society’s Pollinator Conservation Resource Center, with habitat conservation guides, regional plant lists and fact sheets.

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North American Pollinator Protection Campaign

North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) with research, education and project partnerships

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Pollinator Health - NCSL

NCSL's “Pollinator Health” article on what states are doing about pollinator declines.

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